Opportunity Quilts
participated in the following opportunity quilts.

SSBGQ 2005 Raffle Quilt - Delectable Mountains
Our 2005
raffle quilt will be delectable mountains. The members
were assigned a number of blocks. We all donated white/cream fabrics for
the border and red fabrics for the binding. Drawing will be held the
Friday before Christmas. .
Based on stack-n-whack design by Bethany Reynolds. Cyberspace ate my
picture of the full-size view of this quilt. The quilt was long arm
quilted by Mildred Eads of Missouri.

SSBGQ 2003 Raffle Quilt - Scrappy Propellers
Based on Vintage Propellers from
Connecting Threads. Instead of 6" finished blocks, we made them 12"
finished. The quilt was machine quilted by a professional long arm
quilter in our group.

Star Light, Star Bright - I coordinated this quilt top for a member of the
SSBQG who was expecting a baby. I made the "Old Lady in a Shoe and
Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater" blocks.
July 2004
SSBGQ 2004 Raffle Quilt -
This quilt
was quilted by a professional long arm quilter in our group.

Created April 1, 2005
Updated June 18, 2005