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Mystery Quilt 2006

by T. Mahone



Finished size:  78" x 94.5"






 Step 8 - All Together Now


Cut the following:

Background – 4 strips 14” x width of fabric; cut into 44 each  3.5” x 14” rectangles.  Cut 3 strips 3.5" x width of fabric.  Cut 5 pieces 3.5" x 14".  You need a total of 49 each 14" x 3.5" rectangles for your sashing.   NOTE:  If you have more than 42" of width in your 3.5" fabric strips, you only need to cut 2 strips to get 5 rectangles.

Background – 8 strips 5” x width of fabric to be used for border. Sew all eight border strips together.  NOTE:  If you connect the strips with a diagonal seam, you will need 9 strips.  Another alternative is to cut your border lengthwise, not widthwise.  You will need approximately 2-3/4 yards of background fabric.

Dark 1 and Dark 2– 1 strip of each fabric cut 5” x width of fabric; cut into 2 each  5” squares. Cut the remainder of the strips into 3.5” x width of fabric and cut an additional 3.5” strip by width of fabric from Dark 1 and Dark 2.  Cut the 3.5” strips into a total of 30 (15 from each fabric) 3.5” squares to be used as setting squares.


Let's start sewing:


According to the diagram, sew four blocks and five sashing together to form a row.  Make 5 rows.


Make 3 sashing rows as shown using four sashings, three Dark 1 squares, and two Dark 2 squares.


Make 3 sashing rows as shown using four sashings, three Dark 2 squares, and two Dark 1 squares.


Sew the rows together noting orientation.  Rotate the block/sashing rows as needed.


After sewing the rows together, measure your quilt through the middle lengthwise and widthwise. Place your measurements here:

Length: ___________________

Width: ___________________

If your seams are perfect the quilt top will measure 86" x 69.5".   From the Background 5” fabric strips you previously sewed together, cut 2 strips equal to your length measurement and 2 strips equal to your width measurement.

Sew the length borders to the sides of the quilt.

Sew the border corner squares to the width border strips as shown in finished quilt for color placement.

Sew the width borders to the top and bottom of the quilt. See finished quilt.



This quilt is titled Garden Trellis.  I wanted to make a quilt where white or a very light sashing wasn't used, usually calling for detail quilting in the sashing.  I experimented with using a floral as background instead.  If your quilt is too busy, play with your blocks without sashing or a "calmer" sashing fabric. Thanks for taking this journey with me.  Please forward photos of your completed quilt tops.  Thanks.  Here is another quilt I made using different fabrics:




I'd love to have photos as you complete the steps.  Please forward photos to:

Pattern copyrighted by T. Mahone of


Created 2/11/2006

Updated 5/12/2006

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