NEW Quilt
top made in a meeting of the Flower Valley Quilting Guild. I
quilted and bound the quilt so that it may be donated to a local
charity. Don't ask me why this picture insists on being turned
sideways. I've tried to turn it and the original is not turned but
this is how my web software decided to handle it. Go figure...I
give! July 2008

The So Sew Busy Quilt Guild participated in the Spanish Lake Community's
Family Fun Day in the Park on June 14, 2003. Our theme this year was
"Community Healing Hands." We asked park patrons to draw their hands on fabric
and decorate them to their liking. We will make quilts from the hands and
donate them to a local charity. Both quilts completed on May 28, 2005 at our annual retreat.

Purple Quilt
- An old quilt top I began for an expectant baby girl that turned out to
be a boy. Was in storage for years and I brought out the top to
finish and donate to charity.
by Teajuana Mahone Began in 2000 Completed June 18, 2005

Baby 9-Patch - I used the leftover nine patches from the above quilt and
made this pretty baby quilt.
by Teajuana Mahone March 2005

9-Patch Quilt - I made this quilt to donate to St. Louis Psychiatric
Rehabilitation Center for a raffle. The nine patch blocks were
purchased from an estate sale. 66 square inches
by Teajuana Mahone March 2005

Hands All Around: The “hand” block printed fabric is actually from the
instructions showing how to use the border fabrics to make your quilt top. I
had purchased six yards of border fabric and had quite a few of the
illustrations so I cut them out and made this quilt as a charity quilt. 40" x
40" October 2004
by Teajuana Mahone |

- An online quilting group I'm a member of were asked to help the St. Louis
County Parks Department raise funds by hosting a quilt show. Showing the
kindness that only quilters' know, we readily agreed. Since I was to attend
this all day function, I decided to have the patrons of the show make hand
blocks of which I would make a community quilt. This quilt was given to
a co-worker diagnosed with breast cancer.
by Teajuana Mahone